Sunday, 8 February 2015

Don't go chasing waterfalls

It's been emotional between this shrug and I. It feels like BBC Four should be making some sort of documentary about our 'journey'. Like an aging rockband, once massively popular, torn apart by bitterness and acrimony now back together with all of that past ill feeling just under the surface but keeping happy faces for the camera.

Am I going overboard on this slightly, being just a tad melodramatic? Nah. Our relationship has been complex and dysfunctional. She's hurt me, I left her in Hull and we had long periods of mindless and repetitive drudge that is the death of any relationship. Maybe though the fault is with me? Maybe it should have occurred to me that a month before Christmas is not a good time to decide to make a plus size waterfall shrug..... Well yes I suppose that is the root of it really. Oops.

In my defense though I didn't realise what I was taking on at the time. The pattern calls for five repeats of the pattern below the armhole and five above. That felt doable. As we got going though I had my doubts, kept holding it up thinking that it really didn't look tall enough and that it looked like it was going to end up a crop top. I ignored these thoughts thinking it was just a blocking issue.

To the uninitiated blocked is where you pull a piece of knitting or crochet taut to it's correct shape and set it with either water or steam.

Then I read the revision to the pattern, there had been an error and it actually needed ten not five repeats above and below! I know the designer felt rough about it as she about how much she hates finding erratta (errors in a pattern) here. Me being me I still managed to be in denial. I initially thought it meant length ways and being happy with the length I thought I could cheerfully ignore it. Yeah....turns out no.

I do not intend for this post to be in anyway a criticism of Kat and her pattern. It is beautiful. Look at the pretty. I really am quite proud of it.

If anything it's a testament about how much I dislike large scale repetitive projects and it's even worse doing it to a tight schedule. Ongoing plan therefore is if I do have something like this on the go to switch between it and other projects so I don't lose interest. The other would be to give myself enough time. Ha! Nearly typed that with a straight face. I will never ever give myself enough time and therefore will fall into this dysfunctional relationships time and time again. BBC Four I await my contract.

1 comment:

  1. I think it is a terrible injustice that a documentary has not already been made. It would make for some interesting entertainment. We hold hope that BBC4 act soon and snap the opportunity. Good job on the shrug. 👌
